Year 9 scholarship

For 90 years Gordonstoun has been the world leader in character education, with a curriculum which, unrivalled in its breadth, helps every child to achieve their full potential.

The Year 9 Scholarship assessments for Autumn 2026 entry will take place on Friday 22 August - Sunday 24 August 2025

If you are interested in applying for a Year 9 Scholarship for 2026 entry please register here.

View Year 9 booklet

View our Year 9 Scholarship criteria

If you wish to discuss a possible application for a scholarship Chris Rose, Admissions Director, will be very happy to speak with you. Please contact who will make an appointment.

We stretch and challenge students through a uniquely broad curriculum encompassing academic, outdoor, cultural and sporting activities and a commitment to service to our community. Our students gain real value from learning to live alongside people from different backgrounds and with differing strengths, as well as within a community where one third of our students are from Scotland, one third from the rest of the UK and one third from overseas.

We encourage scholarship applications from any young person who can demonstrate their ability in one of the scholarship categories listed below, is capable of benefiting from a Gordonstoun education and committed to enhancing the life of the community and setting an example to their peers.

Awards are made for the duration of a school career, subject to review each year, in the light of progress in all aspects of school life. To fund our extensive scholarship programme Gordonstoun uses its own resources, draws on a designated scholarship fund and seeks funding from external Trusts and benefactors.

The Selection Process

All candidates will take papers in Mathematics, English and verbal and non verbal reasoning. In addition they will be interviewed by senior members of staff, take part in group activities and be gently assessed over the weekend.

Categories of Award

Academic Scholarship

A Gordonstoun Academic scholar will, quite simply, love learning! They will always push themselves beyond the curriculum in order to broaden their knowledge because they will just have to know more! It may be that they have a really deep, thorough interest in their specialist subject or that they are more of a polymath, but, in either case, they will have a strong academic profile across all of the subjects they study and be able to express themselves clearly, concisely and accurately in writing. They are the young people who are always asking 'why?', and we are excited to guide and mentor them into finding out the answers to all of their questions!

All Round Scholarship

At Gordonstoun we believe the foremost task of education is to promote the following qualities; an enterprising curiosity, an indefatigable spirit, tenacity in pursuit, service to others and above all, compassion. A Gordonstoun All Round scholar should be the embodiment of this ethos. They actively seek out opportunities to 'give back', using the skills that they have to the absolute best of their ability in order to help other people. They are consistently a positive role model, upholding the Gordonstoun pillars of internationalism, service, responsibility and challenge at all times. Their behaviour and their effort in their academic learning are always exemplary, and they achieve academically to the best of their own ability. They play an active role in all areas of school life and the community, and absolutely thrive on doing so.

Music Scholarship

A Gordonstoun Music scholar will be expected to have the passion for music to go on to study the subject at GCSE and potentially beyond. We are looking for someone who is an excellent performer, who plays musically, with accuracy, fluency and expression. Candidates should be passionate about Music and committed to improving, learning from others, and developing their skills further. Candidates will contribute to the busy life of the music department and should be a musical ambassador for the school, taking a lead role in performances and events. They should be reliable, enthusiastic, keen to learn and someone who can inspire others.

Art Scholarship

A Gordonstoun Art scholar will be expected to have the passion for art to go on to study the subject at GCSE and A Level. Although outstanding creative flair is essential, we are looking for all round artists who are happy to explore materials and ideas but also can work from observation with sound drawing skills. A Gordonstoun artist has true talent, are passionate in their craft, show exceptional technical skills but importantly possess a unique style.

Sport Scholarship

A Gordonstoun sport scholar will be expected to have the passion for sports to go on to study PE at GCSE and potentially beyond and be a sportsperson of outstanding ability. Gordonstoun’s key sports are; Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Basketball, Golf, Netball, Squash and Tennis and candidates will be expected to have played two of these sports to county level, or one of these sports to a national standard. A prospective sports scholar should display leadership qualities of the highest order and will take a leading role in promoting sports participation amongst their peers. You will be expected to play one team sport competitively in a school first team, and take part enthusiastically in as many interhouse competitions as possible, setting a good example for others to follow in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.

Value of Scholarships

We know that young people and their families are proud to be awarded a scholarship to Gordonstoun. Scholars play an active and leading role in school life and those awarded a subject specialist scholarship such as in art or music are at the heart of activity their relevant department. Scholars are expected to attend our well established and popular enrichment and extension programme which encourages dialogue, problem solving and wider thinking skills.

In line with our charitable status a Gordonstoun scholarship does not come with a remission in fees, however, scholars are prioritised in the allocation of means tested bursaries.

The Awards are subject to review each year in the light of progress in all aspects of School life.


Parents or guardians who need to apply for a means-tested bursary should request the appropriate form from the Fees Administrator, Alison More, by emailing or by telephoning 01343 837914. 

Specific Bursary Funds

We have access to a number of bursarial funds which can provide financial assistance to successful scholarship candidates in the following categories:

  • Children of serving Royal Navy or Royal Marines personnel.
  • Children from Scotland with a preference for children from Perthshire
  • Children from mid-Wales
  • Children from Jersey
  • Children of sea fishing families from the former county of Banff

For further information

If you would like to have a conversation about whether your child should enter, about the scholarship process or any other issue relating to joining Gordonstoun please contact Chris Rose, Director of Admissions on T: +44 (0)1343 837829 or E: