Year 12 Scholarship
Year 12 scholarship

The Year 12 Scholarship assessments for Autumn 2025 entry will take place on Thursday 7 to Saturday 9 November 2024.
If you are interested in applying for a Year 12 Scholarship for entry in 2025, then please complete our registration form here
If you wish to discuss a possible application for a scholarship Chris Rose, Admissions Director, will be very happy to speak with you. Please contact who will make an appointment.
At Gordonstoun we take pride in our holistic approach to the education of our students. All students are stretched by the combination of academic, outdoor, cultural and sporting challenges offered as a fully integrated programme. Gordonstoun, therefore, welcomes applications for Year 12 Scholarships from candidates with academic prowess and those with skills in the above areas.
We operate a policy of equal and open access, committed to educating young people regardless of nationality, background or financial resources. We encourage applications from any young person who is capable of benefiting from a Gordonstoun education and who is committed to enhancing the life of the community.
The Scholarship Assessments, which takes place at Gordonstoun, forms the foundation of the assessment process. Each candidate will take assessments in verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Applicants for an academic scholarship also sit an essay paper. Copies of past papers are not available. There will be practical problem solving exercises to demonstrate a student’s ability to think outside the box and apply prior knowledge. Candidates will also be interviewed by senior members of the Gordonstoun Staff. Candidates will be expected to show suitability for a Gordonstoun education and to have the potential to make a major contribution to School life.
Academic Scholarships
Candidates will be expected to show evidence of their ability to embark upon a two-year Sixth Form course with the prospect of obtaining the highest grade passes at A-Level.
All-Round Scholarships
These are for candidates who demonstrate a high level of ability and potential in several areas. It is possible to apply for consideration for an All Round Scholarship and an Academic Scholarship or one of those awarded for specialist skills.
Candidates should be following a course in Art or Art and Design to GCSE or Scottish National 5 and be predicted to achieve a top grade at this level. Candidates will be asked to bring to interview, a small portfolio of recent work, including drawings, sketch books, paintings, textile, design work and prints. Any 3-dimensional or very large work may be represented by photographs. Portfolios should aim to demonstrate the range and development as well as the standard of the work. (Further details will be sent to registered candidates).
Design Technology
Candidates will be expected to be studying Design Technology at GCSE or Scottish National 5 level and be predicted to achieve a top grade at this level. Candidates will be expected to make a statement about their interest and motivation in the subject and to produce a portfolio and, if appropriate, photographs as evidence of design, workshop or graphic skills. Candidates will be expected to study this subject at A Level.
Candidates should normally be following an examinable course in GCSE Drama or Scottish National 5 Drama and be predicted to achieve a top grade at this level. Candidates will be expected to study Drama at A level. Substantial experience of some aspects of practical theatre-work (such as technical expertise, taking part in high-level performances, speech exams - or a good combination of such features) is expected as is a broad interest in the performing arts. (Further details will be sent to registered candidates).
Candidates should normally be following an examinable course in GCSE Computing or Scottish National 5 Computing Studies and be predicted to achieve a top grade at this level. Candidates will be expected to study this subject at A-Level. Candidates will be expected to submit a portfolio of their work. The portfolio should aim to demonstrate a wide range of skills and should include examples of programs written. Work can be submitted in either electronic or printed format. Any references to material available for viewing on the World Wide Web should be included, if applicable.
Candidates must be musicians of considerable ability, with enthusiasm and motivation in all areas of this subject. Candidates should normally be following a course in music to GCSE or Scottish National 5, however other candidates of exceptional ability who are not pursuing music as an examinable subject will be considered. It is expected students will follow music at A level. Candidates will perform to a high technical level and are expected to have a playing standard comparable to Grade VII and above in their first instrument. We would normally expect applicants to offer two instruments, but this is not essential. The Gordonstoun Music Department does accept singing as a second instrument. Successful candidates are expected to take a full and active leading role in the life of the Music Department.
Candidates should be sportsmen or sportswomen of outstanding ability, having gained or being very close to gaining representative honours at County level in two sports or National level in one sport. The candidates will be expected to take a leading role in the promotion of sports participation amongst their peers, also to contribute fully in internal School competitions as well as demonstrate passion and enthusiasm for their own sports performances representing school teams with effort and commitment. Strong leadership qualities and a proven track record are also highly advantageous.
Value of Scholarships
We know that young people and their families are proud to be awarded a scholarship to Gordonstoun. Scholars play an active and leading role in school life and those awarded a subject specialist scholarship such as in art or music are at the heart of activity their relevant department. Scholars are expected to attend our well established and popular enrichment and extension programme which encourages dialogue, problem solving and wider thinking skills. In line with our charitable status a Gordonstoun scholarship does not come with a remission in fees, however, scholars are prioritised in the allocation of means tested bursaries.
The Awards are subject to review each year in the light of progress in all aspects of School life.
Parents or guardians who need to apply for a means-tested bursary should request the appropriate form from the Fees Administrator, Alison More, by emailing or by telephoning 01343 837914.
Specific Funds
We have access to funds which provide financial assistance to successful scholarship candidates, subject to means testing, in the following categories:
- Children of serving Royal Navy or Royal Marines personnel. In conjunction with a scholarship award, a bursary of up to 50% of the fees may be awarded.
- Children from Scotland with a preference for children from Perthshire
- Children from mid-Wales
- Children of sea fishing families, preferably from the former county of Banff
- Children from the Channel Islands
- Children from local area (Moray)
Externally Funded Scholarships
The School has been fortunate in recent years to receive funding from an external Charitable Trust for Scholarships to be awarded at Year 12 level to candidates who show outstanding qualities of Leadership. Parents and candidates may not request consideration for these awards but Gordonstoun may wish to present particular candidates involved in the Scholarship competition, and who have taken the Scholarship papers, to the Charitable Foundation for consideration. The exact value of each Scholarship will be determined by the Trust once it has examined financial statements made by the parents of the nominated and approved candidates. Any externally funded Scholarships can again be augmented in case of financial need by a bursary from the School.
Non-Scholarship Candidates
If any student wishes to be considered for a full fee-paying place in the Year 12, they should complete the online Enquiry Form here. The Admissions Department will then be in contact to arrange a mutually convenient time for interview.
Further information is available from:
The Admissions Registrar: