Inquiry based learning

Inquiry based learning is central to the provision of education at Gordonstoun Prep. From the very youngest years, Gordonstoun Prep delivers an inquiry approach to teaching and learning.

Teaching and learning through inquiry allows authentic connections – between geography and history to literacy, maths and science - just as often contemplated amongst the rock pools or beaches of the nearby Moray coast, or the woods of the Gordonstoun campus, as in a classroom. Learning remains not only interesting and engaging, but also effective and interconnected.

In the inquiry-based classroom, pupils engage in activities that provoke their curiosity; they are compelled to wonder why and how, and are allowed to construct their own meaning, rather than having it delivered to them, fully formed, by the teacher. Pupils are encouraged to build knowledge through their own exploration, research and discussion. They are encouraged to ask questions, they learn how to think critically, solve problems and make connections to their own experiences.

When pupils are asked to learn in this way – to inquire, rather than simply acquire information, they necessarily develop ‘higher order thinking skills’. Learning through active inquiry gives them greater confidence and enthusiasm as well as self-motivation for learning. With this development in critical thinking comes the capacity to make connections to real world situations and to solve real-life problems.

For example, one of the units of inquiry in Year 6 has the following overarching question; ‘How has conflict shaped society and implemented change in the past, and in the present day?’ This requires that pupils to beare able to compare and make connections within different periods of history, as well as the present day. It makes their learning relevant and meaningful. They are able to research different ‘conflict’ case studies, and reflect on the impact they have had on today’s society.

This Inquiry-based learning matches the Gordonstoun Prep ethos; one which promotes global awareness, and strives to produce young people equipped to thrive in, and contribute positively to, an always and ever-changing world; with the necessary thinking and problem solving skills. It fosters independent, self-motivated, and confident learners, and encourages them to take action in their learning community and beyond. It connects well to the School’s pillars of Service, Challenge, Internationalism and Responsibility. Gordonstoun Prep pupils are natural inquirers due to the breadth of learning opportunities presented to them. Inquiry- based learning provides an education that is engaging, relevant, challenging and important; and results in young people who are intellectually flexible, resilient and solution based.

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