Wellbeing Prep
Pupil wellbeing
At Gordonstoun, the wellbeing and protection of children and young people is at the heart of everything we do.

Pupil wellbeing
Children learn best when they are happy and nurtured, which is why, here at the Gordonstoun Prep School, pupils are surrounded by a whole team of kind and encouraging pastoral staff. Led by Mrs Cath Lyall, the Head of the Prep School, the team help children with everything from settling in to helping with homework. Like the Head of Boarders and Prep School Assistants, they live on site, and are supported during the day by a team of matrons. Our Day Pupils’ Co-ordinator also plays a key role in ensuring a high level of pastoral care for our day pupils and creates an important liaison between parents and the School.
Guidance and advice
Our boarding staff are always there for pupils, whatever the issue, whatever the time. Day pupils can expect excellent levels of care too and we ensure their welfare is overseen by a member of staff who has direct responsibility for their needs and wellbeing. These dedicated individuals provide a regular and accessible line of communication between the School and home.

Every child has a form teacher, who gets to know the children very well and is able to nurture the children academically and pastorally. The form teacher oversees each child’s development and writes regular reports on their overall progress at various times during the year. The form teacher is an important parental link with the School and the parent teacher meetings during the course of the year allow discussion of children’s progress. Additional appointments can be made at any time.
Safeguarding your children
There is nothing more important than your child’s safety. Our well-being and child protection policies and procedures follow the ‘getting it right for every child’ legislation. We are constantly reflecting on what we could do better, always making sure that the wellbeing and protection of our young people is integral to what we do here.
There are three documents which detail essential information about wellbeing and child protection here at Gordonstoun. The first is designed for parents, carers and students and outlines all key aspects of our processes, pastoral structures and child-protection procedures.
The second document is an Essential Guidance document which is given to every member of the teaching, support and management staff at the School. It is required reading for everyone right up to the School Governors as part of mandatory child protection training. It summarises our key principles, policies, procedures and processes, as well as key points of contact. Every adult employed by the School is contracted to understand, know and follow this guidance in their interaction with and protection of the children and young people in our care.

The third document, ‘Wellbeing and Child Protection Policy and Procedures’ details how we have adapted to changes in legislation and national policy. We adhere rigidly to the Children's Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (implemented in 2013), the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2014, and the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. This document also reflects our own experience and shows our ongoing commitment to ensuring all adults who work with children and young people are fully aware of their responsibilities.
Please tell me more
Wellbeing, Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures
Duty of Candour Annual Report 2024 pdf