Coronavirus update
Coronavirus update

We are delighted to be back on our rural campus for the 2021-2022 school year. With 200 acres of woodland at our disposal as well as beautiful beaches, we have been able to move many lessons outdoors and continue to observe the Boarding Schools’ Association ‘Covid Safe’ Charter thereby promising to comply with all government rules and guidance and also meet strict requirements set out by the BSA.
We continue to monitor the situation closely and follow UK and Scottish Government advice. In the unlikely event that we need to return to online learning, this can be done quickly and seamlessly. Gordonstoun parent Clare Cotton recently spoke to The Times newspaper about her positive experience of using our digital learning to educate five children. You can read the article here or her original interview here
If you want more information about any of the above please email
Our school motto ‘Plus est en vous’ (there is more in you) is more relevant than ever.