Reflections on being back at Gordonstoun
Reflections on being back at Gordonstoun
Two senior students and 2 junior pupils reflect on their highlights of being back on campus for the Summer Term 2021.

Johannes T, Hopeman Year 11
‘’After we weren't able to come to the school for the second term, it was a great feeling to be back and see everyone in person again. I really enjoyed the first two days without school, because we had time to settle in, talk with each other and get used to the life at Gordonstoun
Another good thing is that we have so many activities and sports which we can do with our friends after lessons, especially in the past weeks where the weather has been great. I personally find it a lot easier to understand the things we are doing in school, when we are in a classroom and can ask questions much easier.
At the beginning it was a bit annoying to wake up so early, but I got used to it quite quickly. I think it is very good that we can be back on campus for the last term, because I find it easier to write exams in a classroom than writing them online. I also find it easier to revise during prep time in the boarding house than doing so at home.‘’
Emily L, Plewlands Year 11
‘’The biggest highlight of coming back to school and being on campus again has definitely been seeing my friends. Although we kept in touch during lockdown and online schooling, it is so much better to be together in person, and to be able to socialise and have fun face to face. I know that we had brilliant distance learning, but for me I definitely work better in a classroom setting and it was good to see all my teachers again as well. It felt really important to be back to face to face teaching for the last few weeks before assessments.
It has also been really good having the chance to play sport and try new activities again, and the first few days just settling back in stopped it all feeling too stressful. I’ve discovered I enjoy playing touch rugby, which is new to me, and I have really enjoyed getting to spend so much time outside in the beautiful weather, walking to and from meals and classes and my boarding house. I’m really looking forward to going on expedition, life feels exciting again.‘’
Angus S,Year 8 (Junior School)
‘’I found coming back to the school campus a bit of a culture shock after all the online learning, but in the first few weeks of this summer term, I have had a great time. It was lovely to see everyone and socialise again and I found the first few weeks of settling in and the walk to Hopeman really good fun.
Being back in classroom lessons has been really good because we can work in groups again and especially in Design and the sciences, because we can do all the practicals and experiments that we couldn’t do in lockdown. I am also really enjoying The Jungle Book rehearsals and am very excited about performing the play on camera.
P.E. and games have also been great because I really like the sports that we do this term especially cricket and tennis. I really enjoyed going climbing and walking at Huntley’s Cave for the outdoor day last week and really liked the instructors. I have loved playing my bagpipes in the band again.‘’

Megan A, Year 8 (Junior School)
“ I was really excited about going back to school after not being there for so long. I missed my friends and couldn’t wait to see my teachers in person. The first two days back focused on our mental health recovery, as it was just two fun filled days!
We planted sunflowers and had a yoga class. Teachers were supportive and helped us with our worries before we got back to school.
I’ve enjoyed being back in the Science classrooms because now that we are back at school, we can do lots of fun experiments that we were not able to do at home.
Rehearsals for the Jungle Book, our online show for this term, are under-way. It’s so exciting as I love drama and am so happy I was chosen for the role of Shere Khan. I’m grateful to our teachers for organising this, as we could not perform our planned Spring Production.
The highlight this term is the Year 8 expedition to Cape Wrath! I love exped as we learn lots of different skills such as putting up a tent and cooking our food using a Trangia. Exped training has been fun and the outdoor education teachers have made sure that we know how to do everything and are prepared for camping out in the wild.”