Staff Spotlight: Andrew Reeve, Teacher of Maths
Staff Spotlight: Andrew Reeve, Teacher of Maths
In our Staff Spotlight series we speak with the fantastic and varied Gordonstoun staff, discovering what inspires and drives them each day. Today we chatted, over a cup of tea, with Andrew Reeve about his decision to become a teacher, the great outdoors and friendly welcomes.

Tell us a bit about yourself, what you do and how long you have worked at Gordonstoun?
I started at Gordonstoun this academic year and before coming here I worked as a sea kayaking and a walking guide. I ran my own business, taking people out in the hills and on the sea. After Covid struck, I decided to train as a teacher. When I saw this job advertised, I thought Gordonstoun sounded great and the right place for me.

What do you enjoy most about working at Gordonstoun?
It's a very welcoming place. I think the staff are great and the students are very friendly as well. I walk around campus and people will say ‘how are you doing?’ in passing. That's something that really struck me when I came to the interview. I just thought it was so nice and gave the place a great vibe.
What is happening in your department right now? Any new initiatives/exciting events for this year?
It’s early in my maths teaching career so I’m still concentrating on doing the basics well! I am also teaching a bit of design as well, with both Year 7 and Year 8. Year 7 are doing a clock project where they make numbers 1 to 12 for the clock, with each number using a different manufacturing process. It’s a really good introduction for them to see all the different things you can do in design. Year 8 are currently making their own board games. There have been some really interesting, wacky designs and it's great to see what they come up with when you give them an open brief.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I think in a holistic sense, getting to where I am now and having a fairly clear idea of what I'm doing. Since university, I've tried lots of different things but never specialised in a specific career. This allowed me to hone in on what I'm good at and what I like doing, which is teaching and guiding. Starting a business was a bit of a leap of faith. Prior to this I felt like I was quite shy, but it gave me a huge amount of confidence so that feels like a big achievement. I know where I'm going and I feel like I have a purpose.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
I'm very big on the outdoors, and sport generally, so I would say either a big day in the hills running or biking somewhere with friends. A bit of fun, a bit of suffering and then finishing the day in a pub having a big plate of fish and chips with my friends and a couple of pints.

What is something surprising about you?
That I like to crochet and once crocheted a pair of slippers (with leather soles, might I add) - that's probably unexpected? I'm pretty much a one trick pony, as I only do two types of stitches, but it’s surprising what you can do with repetition!
What talent, real or fictional, would you most like to have?
I would very much like to develop my craftsman skills. This is partly from teaching design this term, but I would like to get to a place where I have a better feel for working with materials, particularly wood. I have aspirations of building my own house one day so they will certainly need to improve before then.

Is there a quote or saying you live your life by?
I think my favourite is probably ‘Leap, and the net will appear’ – it’s not always possible to predict the outcome of something, and sometimes you just have to go for it! It’s a good metaphor for life. There is always uncertainty, and most of what life has in store for us is outside our control anyway. Start, and the rest will figure itself out on the way!
What is your guilty pleasure?
I wouldn't say I have an addiction to sugary things, but it's not far off. The cake and custard in the refectory are hard to resist. Mind you, I think if I gave up Earl Grey tea, that would be a headache as I probably drink about eight cups a day!
Thank you Andrew for taking the time to chat with us!
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