Staff Spotlight: Bruce Young, Estates and Security Officer
Staff Spotlight: Bruce Young, Estates and Security Officer
Today's Staff Spotlight is on Bruce Young, Estates and Security Officer. Bruce embodies Gordonstoun's spirit - Whether it's patrolling the grounds or managing mail, he always works hard to create a welcoming and safe place for everyone on campus.

Tell us a bit about yourself, what you do and how long you have worked at Gordonstoun?
I’m born and brought up in Hopeman, so a real local lad. Just 2 days after leaving school I went off to the fishing industry which was booming at the time. Unfortunately, I had to step away after 28 years due to a back injury that saw me off work for 1 ½ years. I briefly worked with children with learning disabilities, but the pull of the Sea drew me back to an oil rig standby vessel for 5 years. I’ve now been ashore since 2015 working in Security and I joined Gordonstoun in September 2021.
What do you enjoy most about working at Gordonstoun?
I love working at Gordonstoun. The best aspects, in no specific order, include the beautiful grounds—patrols are particularly rewarding, especially in the spring with the blooming flowers and birdsong. The interaction with the students is another highlight; they understand that we're here for them, and they give us some friendly banter. Lastly, the friendliness of the staff is remarkable - nobody will pass you by without a good morning or a hello.

What is happening in your department right now?
In the Security department, we keep busy with various responsibilities. This includes handling and distributing incoming mail, facilitating sick student transfers to the Healthcare Centre, monitoring CCTV, conducting patrols around the grounds, and ensuring the evening lock-ups are in order. We're focused on maintaining the safety and wellbeing of everyone on campus.
Tell us about your infamous kitten rescue? What happened?
Occasionally something a bit different happens! During Summer School we received reports of a cat meowing behind the Refectory, but nobody could see where it was coming from.
After some investigation, I traced the sound to a sewer pit in the woods beside Homewood. The pit had the smallest of corners missing, and inside, a little kitten was hiding. Every time we approached, it scampered back up the pipe. So with wellies and waterproofs on I jumped down into the sewer and with the help of colleagues (someone even had a bit of cold meat as a lure!) I managed to pull the little mite out. I believe it now rules the roost in Plewlands House!
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Simple answer really, I love just getting on with people.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
My idea of perfect happiness would be retiring to the sun and to spending time with my two wonderful grandkids.
What is something surprising about you?
Here’s a surprising thing about me, while most folk might see just another old bald guy, the truth is, I willingly shaved my head for charity 15 years ago. I have kept the locks off ever since! (Though calling them "locks" might be a bit of a stretch now!)
What talent, real or fictional, would you most like to have?
As a youngster I played football for the North of Scotland, I wish I could have been a bit better and maybe one day play for the Famous Glasgow Rangers!

Is there a quote or saying you live your life by?
As a fresh faced youngster starting off at sea, the best advice I ever received and still follow to this day is - Never be afraid to ask for help.
What is your guilty pleasure?
I don’t have many guilty pleasures but I am partial to a nice drop of cider with a rum or fine malt chaser alongside a slab of my Mams Xmas cake!
Thanks Bruce for taking the time to chat with us!
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