Staff Spotlight: Di McCann, Higher Education and Careers Coordinator
Staff Spotlight: Di McCann, Higher Education and Careers Coordinator
Today's Staff Spotlight is on Di McCann, Gordonstoun’s Higher Education and Careers Coordinator. She has been working at school for nearly 11 years and it is her job to support our students throughout the senior school, especially in Yr 12 & 13, in exploring their options for when they leave school.

Tell us a bit about yourself?
I met my husband in Cambridgeshire, where we both worked with the RAF and we then moved up to Moray to work at RAF Kinloss. I have two sons who are now in their twenties, Ben and Charlie. (Charlie was at Gordonstoun). I also have 2 crazy spaniels. Over the past few years we have renovated a house in Findhorn which was exciting and have recently bought a campervan to have more adventures in. I love being outdoors and especially enjoy walking, cycling, and rowing. I always have several books on the go and never go to sleep without reading!

What do you enjoy most about working at Gordonstoun?
My job is brilliant – it is incredibly rewarding getting to know the students during 6th form and helping them to explore options for their future. Every day brings something new in terms of the students’ dreams and ambitions and I am always learning about new courses and pathways (today it was exploring art conservation courses). It is such a privilege to keep in touch with many of our leavers and to see what they go on to achieve in the years after they leave school. I also love working with so many amazing people and have made some fantastic friends amongst the staff who apart from being inspirational and talented people, are also great fun!
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My family. I was very clever in convincing such a fab man to marry me, and I am so proud of our 2 sons. I lost both of my parents when I was relatively young and so have muddled through the parenting game, but somehow we have two adult sons who are out exploring the world and making us very proud.

What’s your idea of perfect happiness?
Spending time with family and friends, whether it’s out on bikes or having food and a few drinks. One of my happy places is on the pier in Findhorn, with family and friends, enjoying a drink and watching the sunset. We live in a beautiful place and I feel very lucky to be able to have this spot right on my doorstep.
What is something surprising about you?
I once appeared on the big screen at a cinema in Cambridge playing the part of a murderer.
I am the youngest (and sanest) of 8 siblings.

What talent would you most like to have?
I would love to be able to speak French and Italian!
Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?
‘This too shall pass’ – I try to remember that when things are not going according to plan, it will get better, and that when things are great we should cherish those moments.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
I don’t know where to start – so I’ll say none, and refuse to feel guilty.
Thanks Di for taking the time to chat with us!
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