What Makes Weekends at Gordonstoun Junior School So Unforgettable
What Makes Weekends at Gordonstoun Junior School So Unforgettable
As the school week draws to a close at Gordonstoun, the campus doesn’t quiet down. Instead, it is a hive of activity, as students eagerly anticipate the array of activities and adventures that await them. As one of the last fully boarding prep schools in the UK, we have a rounded 7-day programme.

Whilst our Year 8 pupils attend lessons on a Saturday morning, the younger years usually start the day outside enjoying our stunning 200-acre woodland campus, be it den building in the woods, playing sports or caring for the school guinea pig.

On Saturday afternoon, the boarders all partake in an organised activity; recently we have been climbing, explored the local beaches and even teamed up with the Outdoor Education department to go on a Tyrolean Adventure through the woods.

Sharing these experiences with friends is exactly why many of our pupils love boarding and why our diverse community is a thriving environment to live and learn in. Saturday is always finished off with a movie night, snuggled under duvets, enjoying tuck and having some much needed downtime.

The spectrum of activities continues on a Sunday when our boarders have opportunities to spend more time in the breathtaking surroundings of Gordonstoun; whether it is picking strawberries at the local farm, whizzing on mountain bikes or exploring local and historic places of interest. These activities develop strong friendships and we aim to impart life lessons that extend far beyond the classroom, teaching the importance of integrity, resilience and compassion - values that are indispensable in today’s ever changing world. The experiences garnered during the weekends are not just memories, but cornerstones of a pupil’s overall development.

Curious about Gordonstoun’s vibrant programme of weekend activities? To find out more about boarding life at Gordonstoun, enquire here, or join us for a Virtual Taste of Gordonstoun Webinar.